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What’s It All About, Blogging?

Writer's picture: theestatepreservetheestatepreserve

Blog.  Blog,  Blog.  And who am I supposed to be blogging for?  You.  And The Estate Preserve, of course.  As The Old Man is fond of reminding The Kid and me: we write these things because we’re in the business of helping people help themselves by preserving their legacies one sale at a time.

I know how it goes.  A relative gave you something that meant a lot to them, but not so much to you.  Or you bought something a few months ago that you wanted, but now you couldn’t care less about.  I get it, believe me.  I’ve been there and done that so many times that I’m ashamed to admit it.

If you came to my house right now and went into my bedroom, you’d discover scores of purses stored in a cedar chest, on shelves, and in a few clothes baskets. It took me years to collect them, and I haven’t carried most of them more than a few times. I periodically sell one or two of them but, as The Old Man is quick to point out, the buy-to-sell ratio skews toward buy.

Why We Started Selling

Like so many other online sellers, we took a look around our house and decided there were a lot of things we could live without.  We’d been to the flea market a few times and made a couple of hundred bucks, but eBay, a new enterprise back then, seemed to have built a better mousetrap.  No rain, no humidity, no freezing temperatures, and millions of potential buyers.  The extra cash didn’t hurt, either.  And now the sales platforms are myriad.

Why We Keep Selling

I’m not going to lie.  It’s our business.  What started as a hobby is now our gainful employment.  We committed early on that we would not be that seller who takes advantage of people’s misfortune.  We treat people the way we want to be treated.  So, why not let us relieve you of your burdens?  Then, you can be free to do the things that you want to do while still making money.  If you need some relief, call, text, or email us and we will help you help yourself.

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